Did They Make It Episode 1; Surfing Edition
Hop on the couch and subscribe https://www.youtube.com/civiccouch SUBMIT A VIDEO TO TRY TO FOOL OUR PLAYERS : brad@civiccouch.com Watch as we make our guest figure out if a surfer will make the wave they’re surfing. Each guest watch a short surfing video which is paused at a crucial moment on the wave. They must then decide whether or not the surfer will successfully finish that wave. They are teamed up in pairs but must answer independently and get points for answering correctly. They player with the most points wins.
Players Featured: Brittany Howard: https://www.instagram.com/britthow/
Jaylin Motley: https://www.instagram.com/jaylinmotley/
Derek Levy: https://www.instagram.com/dvlevy/
Todd Taugner: https://www.instagram.com/toddtaugner/
Ryan Boyd: https://www.instagram.com/rboydo/
Easton Jones: https://www.instagram.com/eastondjones/
Shane Jones: https://www.instagram.com/jonesea/
Morgan Sliff: https://www.instagram.com/jahmorgan/
Chris Wells: https://www.instagram.com/wellzydog/
John Gilmore: https://www.instagram.com/elcheddar310/
Follow Civic Couch: Civic Couch Website: www.civiccouch.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/civiccouch/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/civiccouch/
Credits: Produced by Brad Jacobson Production Manager: JP Cordero Music By: Play @ 8 This is a Civic Couch Production. Thanks to Manhattan Beach Toyota for their continued support